12 Days of Christmas Ornaments - Needlepoint Canvas

Individual Ornament Canvas Day 1 (Pear Tree) Day 2 (Turtle Doves) Day 3 (French Hens) Day 4 (Calling Birds) Day 5 (Gold Rings) Day 6 (Geese a Laying) Day 7 (Swans A-Swimming) Day 8 (Maids A-Milking) Day 9 (Ladies Dancing) Day 10 (Lords A-Leaping) Day 11 (Pipers Piping) Day 12 (Drummers Drumming)

 These 12 pieces match the Little His Majesty book—printed in England and stamped on 14 pt. needlepoint canvas—to make mini masterpieces about 5" long.

Tricia's signature fabric sewn along the edges for binding. 

Ornaments can be purchased individually or as a . 

Threads are not included, but Tricia recommends Appleton Yarn.